Friday 6 May 2016

Teen Pregnancy in the Media Part 2

Teen Pregnancy in the Media Part 2

1. Does the show create a negative or positive image of teens? Explain.
Teen mom 2 is incredibly personal, Its reality of teen moms but not entirely because they could be reading scripts. its not really negative well sort of because would kids watch it and think some negative thoughts.    

2. What effect might “Teen Mom” have on what teens consider “typical” behavior?

Teens might think i can be pregnant and life will be easy, its not typical behavior, having a child is a lot of work  and as a teen your still growing and figuring yourself out. 

3. Are “Teen Mom” viewers more likely than non-viewers to perceive teen pregnancy as acceptable or even positive? Is the “celebrity” status of the cast members (the fact that teens are seeing them everywhere in the media) a factor in this? How might this influence teens’ own behavior? (Some have suggested that watching “Teen Mom” will make girls want to become pregnant in the hopes of getting famous, since some of cast member Jenelle’s friends actually became pregnant after she did.) Might a “likable” cast member have more influence on teens than one who is perceived as “behaving badly”?

The media definitely takes over the teenagers thoughts, its like "if i do this ill be cool", "if i dress like this ill be cool" now teen mom 2 having a show, teens are going to think "if i get pregnant ill be famous". its crazy what media can do. its true because if jenelle's friends tried it then who else will.

4. Do you think this show presents a fair and accurate view of teenagers today? Does the show promote prejudices or stereotypes of teens?

Well adults may think teenagers are a handful and there hormones are all over, This show is not fair, I don't think there should a show for Teen Moms, there getting paid for being pregnant, the media can be crazy.  

5. Which aspects of “Teen Mom” communicate that the show is “entertainment,” and which aspects communicate that the show is an “informative documentary”? Is a reality show like this a combination of both? Do both forms of media have equal influence on teens?

Yes its even there showing the consequences of having a baby, showing it can hard. there will be drama.

6. If teens are viewing "Teen Mom," are they likely to believe that teen pregnancy is increasing, or tat it is widespread in the U.S.? Are these things actually true

teen parents are increasing, most of my old friends are pregnant and are single parents, goes to show the guys they choose only want them in a sexual way. all i say is be careful. 
7. Do you think that the people on "Teen Mom" act the way they normally would or do you think they act a certain way for the cameras?

I think they have to act a certain way on camera, because its t.v. I think they make more drama now that they are on t.v and Ferrah is crazy, shes going crazy with all the fame. 

Thursday 5 May 2016

Teen Pregnancy

Teen Pregnancy
Teen mom reality show, I thinks its not really a good show, would if a kids get hold of it and they start to think "i want to be a teen mom, would if get famous". its almost like an encouragement and watching them on t.v is kind of raunchy, watching there whole personal life, like anybody really wants to know how much of trouble there in, they put themselves in a position like that, or maybe they wanted a child I wouldn't know. I just really dislike this show

Wednesday 4 May 2016

"Teens and Media Part 2"

 "Teens and Media Part 2"

1. Do you think teens are portrayed accurately and fairly?
In this post it says that people are more worried about teen boys, because they are more based on there friends, and people always read bad articles on what teen boys. As a teenager its tough because there hormones  are all over the place and your trying to figure yourself out, depression hits you hard because your old enough to have it together but your also to young to have it all together. 

2. Does the media reinforce stereotypes? Are they realistic or fair?
The media is basically not reality but yes there is stereotyping because when they see a teen there going to think trouble some teen are good kids, yes there are some teen that are very bad but its only fair if they treat them like a normal person not a bad teenager, because that would just make them feel bad about themselves.  

3. Are the teens you see on TV like you?

The teens I see on t.v are over the top crazy, but yes sometimes I can relate. I'm a very good person just as long as I don't feel like your sketchy. I'm just like any other teen, I like internet I like spending my time in front of the t.v and eating snacks, my rooms messy.

Monday 2 May 2016

Teen Representation in the Media

Teen Representation in the Media

Justin Bieber has been in the music industry for a long time since he was 13 but got discovered way before he was 13, when the first song "one time" came out everybody was in love with Justin Bieber. but they didn't really know who he is as an actual person, Justin as a very popular superstar they like publish him as an a**hole, he grew with people always watching him, be basically has no privacy, i guess the price of being a famous star.
there are stuff he has done but people do way worse then what he as done, they put him down more because hes famous and everybody expects him to be perfect. nobody's perfect. 
Many articles of Justin point out the bad in celebs and publish it. theirs not one thing that's positive that they published, people got understand that famous people are human. In the popular industry its "you got to be sexy", "you got to be fit" and "you got to look a certain way". the pop industry is hectic and you shouldn't believe everything you see on t.v because they change it to what its not, its almost like acting.    

Katy Perry grew up in a christian family, she is also a very well known pop star, she has done many advertisement for make up. she was discovered in 2007 and started playing guitar when she was 13. She has received 85 awards from 298 nominations, for songs and wrote 7 songs for other artists. She was raised by strictly religious parents that only let her and her siblings read the bible and listen to gospel music.She grew up and decided to leave all that behind and become a pop star. She is still tied to her religion though.She has a tattoo that says Jesus on her left wrist.She says it reminds her where she came from.She also likes to party! Her friends say she is tons of fun and she is very funny and comical.She is a prankster. 

Degrassi (teen t.v show)

Degrassi is a Canadian  drama  franchise that used to follow the lives of a group of teenagers who lived on or near De Grassi street in Toronto. Degrassi is about junior and senior high school  teens, that always have problems don't matter if its about sexuality, growing up, drugs or parents, there's always something going on in  high school and at home. this t.v show captured the lives of teenagers and adults. they have won many awards. also many teen watch it because drake was on it became discovered on it for rapping. the t.v show shows them from childhood to transforming to adulthood. 

90210 (teen t.v show)

90210 is about teenager that go to school in Beverly hills, when a Kansas family moves there and becomes friends with the Beverly hills teens, a school filled with mean girls and gossip and rumors. almost like any other high school, relationships within the group are tested and loyalties are questioned, drug problems. Adult hood comes after they graduate the friends try to maintain their closeness,  anything can happen they say.