Friday 29 April 2016

my digital footprint

merchants of cool

Merchants of cool

If I were training a "cool hunter" to come into my school, I'd train the students to be themselves, dress like themselves because if you're yourself them people know the real you, I'd encourage them that they don't need to look or dress like that person to be cool, because if you fake yourself into something your not you'll be confused, you'd be stuck in someone else is path in life. 
Then afterwards the real you will be lost, because you wouldn't get to know yourself, you'd become tired and stressed of trying to be cool being popular isn't really that cool, being you is your natural self that's cool.
"cool hunters" are making the teen into someone there not, something that isn't realistic, everybody wants to be cool now and days but having a teen in that kind of situation can be tough, because they  will start to think the real me isn't this or that, But if I'm this I can be cool. they will get into that mindset having to say or think "I have to",  because there getting money for being someone there not and once there in it gets depression I say rich and unhappy but all people are not the same some people like the attention and money  but what about when your alone and the thoughts eat at you because everybody knows you but doesn't really know the real you, everybody has there share of opinions this is just mine. 

Friday 22 April 2016

Mass media and advtising

9. 2012
10 2013
11. 2014
12. 2015
13. 2016

Wednesday 13 April 2016



Societal conscious achievers: 
I'd say I'm a societal achiever because I know I don't fit in the rest of the categories.  i don't buy stuff to have other people like me, I'm basically myself, yes I do wear tomes, flats. I'm not that athletic but I do,do sports out of school such as judo, teak-won-do I used to dance. I nature, i love walks and beautiful days in the sun. I eat whatever I want to. I wear whatever I want to. 

I'd say my Boyfriend Dave, its doesn't absolutely describe him he is in search of of an identity in adult working world. his self-confidence is not always the best but, I always try help him in the best way I can. Dave doesn't try buy things to be cool. Dave does wear under Amour. he does wear AXE.
Dave is his own person.

Emulator-Achievers: My brother would probably be an Emulator-Achiever because he always has to buy the new stuff, but only if he has the money, I think he just trying to like the same things as his Girlfriend. hes been different lately.
Image result for gucci

What is Media (Prezi project)

My project for what is media 

Media Images: Fact or Ficiton

Media Images: Fact or Ficiton

1.As an individual, what did you learn from the analysis of the magazines?
Don't always follow what you see on magazines there not real. every model on there is photo shopped 
2.Were you surprised by anything? Why or Why not?
No, I knew how magazines work, beauty tips, celebrities gossip. Justin bieber. 
3.What kind of magazines would you like to see for teens?
More reality from the magazine world then the teenagers wouldn't  be so brain washed.  More teen will learn to love each other. 

Monday 11 April 2016



1. Chevrolet- the car  he bought or the car beside his recently bought car. 
2. eBay- when he was prentating an project about his great grandpa. 
3. Gilmore oil company- the oil place 
4. GMC- One of the driving cars 
5. hp (Hewlett Packard) the printer 
6.  Ipod- when he was puting on music going for a drive with his girl.

1. Is Transformers just one big advertisement for many different kinds of companies?  Why or why not? 
Transformers seem to have a lot of advertisements yes, but I think its just a movie with product placement. 

2.Did you feel that having so many product placements in the movie took away from the storyline?  Why or why not?  Please give as many details as you can.  You can also use other movies or TV shows you have seen before as examples.

The felt normal to me, i forgot they were there because it was just that good. Sometimes yes. 

Viral Videos and Memes

Viral Videos and Memes

Friday 8 April 2016

Product Placement Prevalent in Music Videos

Product Placement Prevalent in Music Videos

1. Do you think product placement is more or less effective than in movies? Why?

Yes because its influenced by superstar and it would make the people want it more because there favorite idol likes it, people are strange like that.
2. Have you ever bought a product because it was featured in a music video?
No I have never bought a product that was featured in a music video
3. Do you think product placement takes away from music videos?
Yeah its totally obvious when they advertise things on music videos or on movies 
4. Should it be allowed?

well i guess it depends on what it is or how they do in a positive or negative way.

5 examples of product placement:
1. EP envy laptop-beats limited edition
2. plenty of fish-dating website
3. virgin mobile
4. Polaroid 
5. wonder bread

Thursday 7 April 2016

Advertising & Product Placement.

Advertising & Product Placement.

1) Why do you think movies use this kind of product placement?
They use product placement because they are trying make people want it and get it out because it was on the movie/television show.
2) Do you think that it is effective? Why or why not?
Yes they'd buy if they really like it or think its what they need.
3) Have you ever been influenced by a product placed in a movie?
Yes i have been influenced by advertisements, usually hair products and toys when I was younger.

5 examples of product placement:
1. Kaiser chicken
2. Carlton fine colonial homes
3. chief pal- kitchen tool
4.Truman drinks- Mococoa
5.Truman show

Wednesday 6 April 2016

Digital Citizenship

Digital Citizenship

1.How would you define digital citizenship? What does that even mean?
A digital citizen refers to a person utilizing information technology in order to engage in society, politics, and government participation.
2.When using social media, would you consider yourself a good “digital citizen?” Do you use social media to post positive things about yourself and others?
when it comes to social media I don't really put anything on it personal about myself, nobody needs to know.
3.Is our school’s “digital citizenship” practice a pass or fail?
Raymore school its not the best at digital citizenship but I think they definitely practice it. I'm sure the school has accounts on what happens in the school that are positive.
4.Rate our school using the rubric at the bottom of the post – what number would we get?
The digital citizenship in our school would probably be a 3 because Miss, Bisson is educating us on social media, which is obviously media studies, and its positive.
5.What could we do differently?
We could be more positive on social media and social media wouldn't be so bad. social media is not bad, its the stuff that's being put on it, which is brainwashing and negative.
spread more positive.

Monday 4 April 2016

what is media

what is media
ad: Always #LikeAgirl

1.Who is the intended audience?

Adults, young adults childern and teenagers. Most people who watch tv, its a good advertisment, its eyecatching, its inspiratonal.

2. How does the ad appeal to them?

Hit like a girl #LikeAgirl., an advertisment that makes other people understand that its not okay to say "you hit like a girl" "swim like a girl" "run like a girl" just because your a girl doesnt mean your weak. It hepls other people who dont understand, understand.
3. What visual element(s) does the ad contain? How are they used? (Refer to handout. 
The background is soild blue, it lets us focus on the person who is talking, theres acting, subtitles on what the person is saying. The words are inspiring, its an eye opening advertisment. They are used in a understanding way, they are using examples with men, young women, teenagers, childern and asking them to do stuff like a girl. Then they realized that #LikeAgirl is used like an insult. Trying to be people to understand that "you hit like a girl" is not okay to use.

4. What story component(s) are contained in the ad? How are they used?

The story of this component is there always advertisment is trying to tell a story on how girls are insulted and humilated by the refernce of "you hit lke a girl" always is a pad company for adults and young women. they got the girls to do it in a acting way.
5. What need(s) does the ad exploit? Explain.

The need for this advertisment is to show that the childerns brain is more innocent then teenagers, teen feel the need to think that #LikeAgirl is a insult but when they watched the childen do the examples and it was an eye opener that its okay to be yourself.
6.Does the ad address ?a social issue? How?

Yes this advertising shows honesty and it opens eyes, its inpirational. Its because they way they put it and how they did and the acting  and the aftermath of the exaples and how they the girls did the #LikeAgirl it was good exaple because they were themselves.
7. In your opinion, is the ad effective? Give at least 3 specific reasons why/why not.
I liked this ad beacuse it was understanable, I like it because it was different. it shows beauty and that girls are just as strong as boys.

8.  Which of the two ads is the most effective? Why

Ad: Dove Evolution With some images, all is not what it seems

1. Who is the intended audience?
This ad would intend young women and teenagers. 
2. How does the ad appeal to them?
 The ad really gives a bad appeal, they are taking reality and turning it into something fake.
3. What visual element(s) does the ad contain? How are they used? (Refer to handout).
 The visual of this element is a girl getting all pretty with make up. She takes a picture and she gets edit to look completely different, more perfected and beautiful, when teens and pre-teens see that there are going to think " I want to look like that" so they go out and buy that product, it brain-washing.

4. What story component(s) are contained in the ad? How are they used?
The story of this component is they are trying to help teenagers get there self-esteem back and helping them understand that looking a magazine and understand that the picture, the models are not reality, its not really how they look in person. Everything in magazine and social media is all photo shopped.

5. What need(s) does the ad exploit? Explain.
 The need of this video is gaining teenagers self-Esteem, dove is a very good company and brand, therefore their product advertisements are reality,  they show positive attitude on life and most importantly advertisement.
6. Does the ad address a social issue? How?
7. In your opinion, is the ad effective? Give at least 3 specific reasons why/why not.
 Every dove commercial/advertisement always seems to be reality, the positive outlook on people in real life and in the model industry. Dove shows you don't have to be freakishly skinny to be a model, in the other hand Victoria secret models nope not positive at all.
8. Which of the two ads is the most effective? Why? 
The difference between the two advertisements ones positive the other is negative, negative as in how they edit to make the photo look different and that's why the beauty of teenagers minds is distorted. It shows that some advertisings are not all bad.